Art Gallery
Artist Statement: We live in a world of staggering beauty. We live in a world of breathtaking waste. The two often interwoven. The world presents its beauty through nature, and we perceive it through our senses – sound, sight, feel. We have returned our waste, often a product of the human maladies of greed, inequality, fear, desperation. My work is inspired by this connection. I try and recreate beauty out of “waste”, often mimicking the world around us. I hope that this simple message will inspire people to stop and think about the world we live in and what role we each might play. I still believe in beauty.
From Oct 5 through December 15, 2024, the Funky Cluckers will be exhibited as part of The New Adventures of Thesis Sahib and Friends at the Saint Mary’s Art Gallery in Halifax NS Canada as part of a curated exhibition. More info :
Here you can find a selection of my current projects, and some past projects. Click on any of the pictures to see a gallery of finished pieces
99 Bottles of Booze
Wine Cork Creations
Intergalactic Bugs
More Bugs!
Funky Cluckers
Love in Progress
Chess Set
Creature Exploration
Historic Projects
Although my early work (very little of which is displayed here) includes exotic woods and expensive, purchased raw material, more recently I have been inspired and motivated by what we choose to dispose of. Almost everything I make now is from items I have found or have been given to me instead of discarded. All is second hand. My first “professional” job was right out of college as the staff artist (and surveyor!) for a Great Basin archaeology company. That job entailed sketching all of the finds for publication. I have enjoyed collaborating with my mother (the artist Paula Cooperrider), as well as involving the whole family in projects. My art has won awards in Flagstaff and been displayed in galleries state-wide in Arizona.